Our gear is our best friend, in good as in bad weather. We don’t just choose our friends randomly on the street, neither do we with our gear. Montane has focus on on keeping the gear lightweight, but just as much on the functionality and the small details which makes a big difference once being out in the wilderness. 


Our home is our safe zone. That being a thin piece of red fabric, tells a lot about the quality.

To be able to aim high, we need partners who delivers the best of the best on the market and this is where Helsport comes into the picture.


Time is an essential factor for us when being on expeditions.

We need to have some good routines or when to wake up, when to eat and take breaks and finally when to stop, to be able to continue for a long amount of time.

Our G-shock and ProTrek watches are not only supporting us with these aspects, but also with making our expeditions possible!

“Uden mad og drikker, duer helten ikke” as we say in Danish.

When being out far away from civilisation, it is limited to what food options we have. This means that we will be carrying everything ourselves and that we will be eating a lot of the same food. To be able to get enough kcal in, the food need to be tasty and of good consistency.

Without food our body stop working, but without power our safety is in danger.
Safety is our priority number one of all times. All our electronic devices runs on power. With solar celles and efficient powerbanks from Sandberg are we running full steam all the way across the ice cap. 

As a bonus we have extra power for out cameras and GoPro to capture our adventure. 

Having partners who support who you are and what you do, makes me the better version of myself and therefore also more succesfull in the things I go for.

Maria Winther

Nothing great are achieved alone. Having strong partners to support and help tell the story from our expedition and day to day life. Having others that believe in our journey makes us walk the extra mile.